DATE: Sunday, December 22, 2024
TIME: 4:00 pm
RACE SITE: Prairie Queen Lake near the boat dock just east of 132nd and Cornhusker Rds.
COST: Now till 10/31/24 = $40
11/1 - 12/22/24 = $45
RACE DAY = $50
SWAG: A "Very Nice" Coffee Mug
PACKET PICKUP: 12/21/24 at Peak Performance (519 N 78th st, Omaha)
12/22/24 at Race site starting at 3:00 PM
COMPANION PASS (adult) = $25
Kids Companion Pass (19 & under) = $15
Holiday Hustle 5K
This is a holiday theme run. So get your Santa Hats, Santa Suits, or Elf costumes out and come on down and run with us on Sunday, December 22, 2024. Start/Finish line at boat dock at the Prairie Queen Lake site just east of 132nd and Cornhusker Rd intersection. Starting time is 4 pm. Post Race party at Lucky Bucket Brewery, 11941 Centennial Rd, La Vista, NE 68128
19 & Under 40 - 49
20 - 29 50 - 59
30 - 39 60 & Over